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Viktoriia Tofan, 1993, Ukraine, based in Poland

The picture was taken by Jerzy Wypych as part of the project "Whose voices are being heard?"

Can we still count on a place where we will feel safety in times when we are witnessing wars and conflicts? If so, is it a physical place with an exact location? Or perhaps it’s an abstract concept? Or maybe “safe place” is a person with whom we feel comfortable?

The answers to all those questions I will seek during my residency in Örebro.

The relationship between public space and society is very important and will be a main topic of my research. During my stay, I will explore how urban space is perceived by its inhabitants and whether public space can serve as a security and sense of community. The project will be based on a concept of personal city and focused on a concept of safe places. I want to work with the residents to explore how the landscape has changed and which places are important to them. Maybe there are places that no longer exist and have disappeared from the city map, but they’re still alive in the memory of residents. I also want to find out what a safe place means for the people of Örebro, and if there is any in the city.

By extending the notion of safe place to territory and territoriality, private property and borders, I want to find the answer to the question: Can we define a safe place also as part of the personal territory, a zone defined by invisible borders around our body?

The residency is held by OpenArt for the Creative Europe platform MagiC Carpets (English translation at the bottom of the page) with funds from the EU.

Artwork: Safe Place

Artist: Viktoriia Tofan

Number on the map:


Location: Artist residency 15 June – 19 July

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Kontakta OpenArt

Kontakta Örebro kommuns servicecenter

Telefon: 019-21 10 00 

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 8–16.30

Besöksadress: Näbbtorgsgatan 10

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 10–16

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